January, 2025: Our paper UnCommon Objects in 3D (uCO3D dataset) has been released on Arxiv!
July 2024: Meta 3D Gen has been published on the Meta AI website!
March 2024: Our paper “Move Anything with Layered Scene Diffusion” has been accepted at CVPR 2024!
October 2023: Our work on using Generative AI for Ads creation at Meta has been featured in Bloomberg and TechCrunch!
May 2023 : Happy to welcome Jiawei Ren from NTU as a Research intern at Meta AI!
May 2022 : Happy to welcome Aiyu Cui from UIUC as a Research intern at Meta AI!
October 2021 : Two papers accepted at BMVC 2021!
May 2021 : Happy to announce that I am joining Facebook AI Applied Research (FAIAR) as a Research Scientist!
January, 29th, 2021 : Our Nature Machine Intelligence paper entitled “Estimation of continuous valence and arousal levels from faces in naturalistic conditions” has been featured in the Chinese media!
January, 26th, 2021 : Our Nature Machine Intelligence paper entitled “Estimation of continuous valence and arousal levels from faces in naturalistic conditions” has been featured in TechXplore!
January, 11th, 2021 : Our paper “Estimation of continuous valence and arousal levels from faces in naturalistic conditions” by Antoine Toisoul, Jean Kossaifi, Adrian Bulat, Georgios Tzimiropoulos and Maja Pantic has been accepted at Nature Machine Intelligence!
June, 15th, 2020 : Our team at Samsung AI Cambridge (Juan-Manuel Perez-Rua, Brais Martinez, Victor Escorcia, Li Zhang, Xiatian Zhu, Tao Xiang and myself) has received an award for the third place in the Epic Kitchens challenge at CVPR 2020! The challenge consists in recognizing actions on egocentric video data taken in the kitchens. The actions are compositional (i.e made of a verb and a noun) with a total of 44,000 possible actions. The paper that explains our method is available here.
February, 23rd, 2020 : Our paper Factorized Higher-Order CNNs with an Application to Spatio-Temporal Emotion Estimation, has been accepted at CVPR 2020!
December, 2019 : The final version of my PhD thesis is available in the Eurographics Digital Library !
November, 18th, 2019 : New paper accepted at IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence on SEWA a new dataset for emotion recognition in the wild ! You can find it here.
August, 5th, 2019 : I have joined Samsung AI as a research scientist to work on Human-Centric AI with Maja Pantić.
April, 1st, 2019 : My internship at Samsung AI is over and led to a paper submission and a patent application !
December, 7th, 2018 : I was invited to Sony Japan headquarters to present our paper Acquiring Spatially Varying Appearance of Printed Holographic Surfaces. Thank you for the invitation!
December, 6th, 2018 : I presented our paper Acquiring Spatially Varying Appearance of Printed Holographic Surfaces at SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 at the Tokyo International Forum !
November, 14th, 2018 Our paper Acquiring Spatially Varying Appearance of Printed Holographic Surfaces is featured in the Japanese media Seamless
October, 31st, 2018 Our paper Acquiring Spatially Varying Appearance of Printed Holographic Surfaces is featured in an episode of Two Minute Papers called Real-Time Holography Simulation!
October, 1st, 2018 : I am delighted to start a 6 months internship at Samsung AI Center, Cambridge UK, under the supervision of Maja Pantić. I will be working with Jean Kossaifi and Adrian Bulat.
September, 19th-21st, 2018 : I attended the Google Computer Vision Summit in Zurich, Switzerland. What a great experience!
August, 12th-16th, 2018 : I presented our poster Practical acquisition and rendering of common spatially varying holographic surfaces at SIGGRAPH 2018 in Vancouver, Canada.
May 2018 : I got the second prize at the annual Google PhD Poster competition of Imperial College London for my work entitled Acquiring Spatially Varying Appearance of Printed Holographic Surfaces.
December, 12th, 2017 : I presented our paper Real-time rendering of realistic surface diffraction with low rank factorisation at CVMP 2017 at the British Film Institute in London.
August, 1st, 2017 : I presented our paper Practical Acquisition and Rendering of Diffraction Effects in Surface Reflectance at SIGGRAPH 2017 at the Los Angeles Convention Center !
April, 26th, 2017 : I presented our paper Accessible GLSL Shader Programming at Eurographics 2017 in Lyon, France.
December, 12th, 2016 : I presented our paper Image-Based Relighting using Room Lighting Basis at CVMP 2016 at the British Film Institute in London.
March 2016 : I got the second prize at the annual Google PhD Poster competition of Imperial College London for my work entitled Practical Acquisition and Rendering of Diffraction Effects in Surface Reflectance.