
Computer Graphics Shader Lab Framework

ShaderLab Framework is a computer graphics framework that Dr Bernhard Kainz and I implemented in 2016. It is a teaching tool that is used for the lab sessions of the Graphics course (CO317) at Imperial College London. ShaderLab Framework provides an IDE-like environment that helps students to understand the basics of computer graphics and GLSL programming. It has been intensively tested by more than 100 students every year since 2017. It is open-source and available on github.

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Antoine Toisoul
Image-Based Relighting Framework

This software was implemented as part of my MSc thesis on image-based relighting at Imperial College London. It provides a user interface to render objects in arbitrary environments using data captured with a light stage, a free-form light stage or in a regular room. It is open source and available under the LGPL license on my github.

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Antoine Toisoul